Our houses offer a unique value, they are companies managed by artisans committed to generating a positive impact on a society through the production of organic products. Products that, in addition to being chosen for their excellent quality, are consciously made without harming the environment or the consumer. Together with our houses, we manage to give a greater scope to the work and commitment of the artisans, with the purpose of promoting a sustainable business activity betting on people´s that.
organic | quality | experimentation

Althaia beers are born in Marina Baixa, in the Mediterranean. The entire production process is located here in the town of Altea.


The idea behind this gin was to create a different drink and satisfy the real taste and demands of the consumer. This is a drink for all those who are looking for something sophisticated and new.


Committed to the environment to offer an avant-garde product. Respecting the land to offer a new experience.